So, it's not even June 1st and already the thermometer is at 99. This stuff wasn't on the "move to Texas" brochure I read last year. Sure... less taxes, bigger house, more money, but you can't go anywhere and spend it when the outside is an oven. What do you do? How many beers and Starbucks ice coffees can one drink in one day? How do you keep cool?
You don't. Not unless you become a hermit and never leave your house. Jump in the pool, cool off, come inside the house, have some ice cream, change the AC filter. Open a bottle of rose.
Why are people still afraid of rose? Not long ago, wine shops could not GIVE this stuff away. You could walk in the fanciest shop, and all you could find was, maybe, some crappy white zinfandel. Nowadays, the same stores have entire aisles dedicated to roses. What happened? If I were to guess, I would say El Nino happened and everybody started realizing that roses are actually really good, delicious and refreshing. And white zinfandel is crap. As you can tell, when it comes to white zinfandel, I have some anger in me.
It is Memorial Day, 4th of July is right around the corner. Everybody is running to the neighboring state to buy some fireworks, and hopefully NOT blow their hands off. Me, I'm stacking up my rose stash. But today I couldn't wait any longer and I opened one.
Michel Chapoutier's Bila Haut. Otherwise known as ambrosia. Made from a blend of Grenache and Cinsault, it tastes like strawberries, but with a dry finish. It hails from Languedoc, an area known for producing ass-kicking roses. There were only about 1000 cases produced, so if you do find it in the store, it won't be more than $15-16.
Pairing? Since it's a holiday weekend, (and we don't like blowing up fireworks so my grill is still standing), we fired up the grill and threw some chicken breasts on it. I put rosemary, garlic and thyme on my chicken, dumped some couscous next to it and sat down for dinner. Then I realized that while I was cooking I already finished the bottle.
Phew... luckily I have another one chilled and winking at me.
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